Monday, October 6, 2014

The Facebook Way

We don't need friends any more. We need an audience.

I have been on a permanent sabbatical from the accursed website for a week now.

There has been a marked improvement in my life.

For one, i actually have time on my hands. Before, any free moment would have been consumed by the azure headed demon. Now, i can go to other websites. Or, read a book. It's a big difference, trust me.

The fact that i dont know what everyone is up to every waking moment of every fucking day is liberating to say the least.

Have you ever felt shitty after going through your newsfeed? Of course you have. If you say you haven't, you are lying and shame on you.

The reason is simple and quite scientific (numbers are involved!).

We only post the flashy, good stuff of our lives on FB. So we can make everybody jealous obviously! Now, that flashy stuff is lets say half of our lives, on average. Meaning that everybody has shitty days too. But you dont get to see that on FB now do you? One does not simply post that his haemorrhoids are acting up (unless you are going for the sympathy likes, but even then, butt stuff doesn't really garner the same appeal as say, my puppy died).

From your perspective, your "friends" have incredible fantabulous lives. And, comparatively, you are a piece of shit. Boring shit. You dont have one awesometacular day after the other, like everybody does apparently. No, you have got to scrape out the dishwasher and look after your racist, yet ultimately un-entertaining, uncle. Not good FB posting material.

The result: Low self-esteem for you, pangs of jealousy, strained relationships, an inability to prioritise your life, regret, and eventually death.

Simple question: How many hours has this succubus drained from our lives?

I really do not want to know, my self-esteem has barely recovered.

As mom shouts at 3.30 in the morning, "JOIN THE REAL WORLD, DOOFUS!" She cares ever so much, bless her.

She has a point (and an incredible booming voice). FB, and by extension other virtual social spaces, are not real. They are no substitute for actual human contact. And you've all heard this drivel before and i highly doubt this piece will convince anyone of you to actually change your habits.

Introspection is a dying art.

Just do me a favour? You know that person you actually give a shit about? Next time you think of them, instead of liking their post, call them. Don't even meet them. Just give them a call. Trust me.

Yes, i do happen to be anti-corporate and no, i am not "hating" on FB just cause. It kinda saved my uncle's life. No joke.

But it is a tool. A tool being misused. Use it for the base communication device that it is, instead of the attention sucking/seeking quantum singularity it has become today.

I have no hopes that this will change anything. But hey, what's the harm in trying?

There are many videos and pieces out on the interwebs made by smarter people than i, who explain the problem so much more eloquently.

Try some introspection. It just might better your life. No pressure.

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