Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chotay ki personal statement

I've wanted to fly ever since i was little. I didn't want to fly for the feel of it but because it was the fastest way out of where I was. Not to undermine the beauty of where I reside currently, but I have always wanted to see new places, breathe new airs, eat new foods, drink new drinks. The wanderlust-bite? I have got it bad.

Now that I'm slightly less little, I can comprehend and appreciate a bigger fraction of the Earth I once dreamt of exploring and leaving my footprints on. I understand how important it is to never visit as a tourist, with double-breast pocketed shirts stuffed with maps and brochures, Bermuda shorts, tacky sunglasses and all.

When i travel I want to seep myself completely into the culture and environment I'm in and since I have always traveled with my family, never on my own, I need an opportunity like this-- to fly on my own.

My love for education and learning stems from my overwhelming love for travel. This opportunity will allow me to do exactly that: To immerse myself into a brand new culture, to experience new surroundings, to interact with people from different worlds, to learn from and appreciate perspectives so different from my own because that is, what I believe, learning.

Being immersed in a conducive learning environment substantiated by a reputable international university will broaden my already wandering mind, and expand my skill-set and knowledge base. It is crucial for a thirst like mine to be cemented with the skills and insight acquired by an institute like __________.

A precious instance of student agency

21/07/2021     Last week, we had our dreaded MYP Audit. Through two weeks’ worth of blood, sweat, and mostly, tears we did manage to put on ...